A Message from Performer/Director Lorelei Lee #StopAB1576

May 8, 2014

AB 1576 is otherwise known as the California “condom” bill that would require mandatory use of barrier protection and testing for ALL performers on adult movie production sets. The adult industry opposes this bill because:

  • Industry stakeholders (performers, studios, etc.) have no voice in this bill, which was introduced and is backed by AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
  • Existing industry protocols for self-regulation, which took over a decade to develop, will be destroyed and will likely be replaced with less accurate tests for HIV and other STIs.
  • The performers – who will be most affected by this regulation – simply do not want mandated barrier protection, which includes condoms, dental dams, gloves, face shields and hazardous waste exposure-like procedures.
  • If passed, the regulations will drive adult producers to relocate to Nevada, or to other locations worldwide, where regulation will be difficult if not impossible.

But don’t take our word for it. Here’s performer/director Lorelei Lee speaking out on why she opposes AB 1576.

The bill has passed through two legislative committees and is now on its way to the appropriation committee. If it passes there, AB1576 would go on to be voted on by the State Senate.

If you care about or enjoy adult entertainment, please share this information about condom laws in California. If you tweet, please use #stopAB1576. And if you need information for how to contact legislators, please email info@freespeechcoalition.com.